Embed Code

This is something that is able to be implemented into most of our modules. The exceptions being the email forms and image galleries. Embed code boxes allow us to display information in a way that is unique to where the code was grabbed from. If you wanted to add a map showing where your business location is or event location; you would copy the embedded code and place it within the code box when adding content to the site. You can also click on the GoogleMaps button in the content editing box, then type in the physical address of your building location or event location, enter in a width and height pixel amount and click save.

Below are two examples of how embed code can be displayed on a site.

The first example is shown by copying the embed code for the GoogleMaps location.

The second example is shown by clicking the GoogleMaps button, adding the address and setting a size.

Map 1

When adding in the GoogleMaps via embed code, your map will look like the one pictured here. You will also have the "View Larger Map" button in the top on the map as well as underneath it.

View Larger Map

Map 2

This map was created using the GoogleMaps button within the content box. It creates an IFrame box which you can edit the size of. If you use the source code within the content box you can then add the company name if it does not pop up when adding the location.

Version 5.01 Site Map | Login | Powered By: Techweavers Inc.